Here's the hottest rust servers:

#14991 [US] Virtue 5X PVP SMALL | 1 Grid | MAX 7/Loot+ | Weekly

Welcome to Virtue 5X PVP. Virtue server is located in the US with the primary focus on Ultimate Rust PvP. * Weekly Wipe Schedule * Max 7 Teamsize (ic. sleepers) * 5X Gather/Mining/Pickup Rate * 2000 Map Size * Quick Ore Smelting * Instant Vending Buy * Auto Traps Auth * Auto Team TC Auth If you encounter a cheater, use F7 to report. For teaming reports, please join our Discord.

#14992 BattleHordes | PVE | Zombies | Npc's | RaidableBases! | No Kill

Just Wiped 8/3!! Welcome to our Server! This server is not a RP Server this server was created too bring a challenge to PVE with Zombie Hordes, NPC's everywhere and Events that bring a punch. if you're someone that rage quits after dying a few times to Bots this is not your server. Zombies will raid, (only while you're online) and NPC's at every monument/Event! Random Npc Raids will Occure (while Online) Trying to raid your base Stop them before they destroy it! Raidable Bases are currently in the server with over 50 Custome Raidable bases to try! Server is ment to be a little Grind, because whats the point getting everything handed to for you to get bored after a few hours! This makes it so you always have something to look forward to while trying to Survive! If you like a challenge come join us and give the server a try! Server also Includes some extras to help in your journey! Server is Currently in Beta! so more changes will becoming the more populated it gets! Stay Tuned!<3

#14993 Aus Land of Greatness|3x|PVP|5

3x PVP server with x1 for Sulfur Monthly BP & Fortnightly Map Wipes. Last wipe: 08/03/2024 Next Wipe: 22/03/2024 Rules: See in game rules and Discord. Max Team size :5

#14994 [ESP] MIJOS - Paloma edition

Servidor público dedicado.

#14995 [SEA] GorillaMan PvE x10 | 180+ Raidable Bases | Event | Kits |

This is the server description. You can write on any line.

#14996 RUST Server

Server hosted by Host Havoc

#14997 Haven Letdowns - PvE - EU | 2x Custom | PvP Zones

Balanced Semi-Vanilla Server that offers players a 2x experience so they can play the game without fear of other players. Information: > Player and Building damage disabled in PvE areas. > Wipes only when force wipe. > Inactive player bases despawn and can be looted by others. Features: > Raidable PvP Bases. > Backpacks > Enhanced Building. > 2X looting table on most things. > 30 min day, 5 min night. > NPC Vending Machines always in stock. > Voice Popup UI (see who talks) > Casino at Outpost and Bandit. > Shared BP's with Team. > 2x Craft speed. > Decay reduced 25% each upgrade. > Add codelocks to Minicopter, Rhib and Boats. > Upkeep decreased 75% > Upgrade and downgrade the base with /up X or /down X > Random Spawnpoints. > All Blue & Red monuments are PvP enabled. > Auto sort button in chest, backpack, etc.. > Recycler in almost all monuments, lifts in gas stations and super markets. > Furnace Splitter.

#14998 [ZA] Friendly Chap's Island x10 PvE

Premium Custom Maps, Super Modded. This is a community-supported PvE server, if you enjoy playing here, please consider joining our VIP program on Patreon. 100+ Premium Plugins including Pocket Dimensions, Personal Animals, Deployable Ziplines, Custom Portals, Raidable Bases, Eternal Backpack*, Skill Tree System (Wipes with Map), Enchanted Weapons, Vehicle Airdrops, BetterNPC, Call Heli & Bradley. Admin is an active non-player. *Backpacks do not drop with death and wipe only once a year / after 3 months of individual inactivity.


Ванильный без модов и плагинов сервер (из плагинов только HUD со статистикой) - Серверный античит - Бесплатная рулетка на сайте каждые 4 часа - Работает протокол RUST+ - Администрация следит за сервером без вмешательства в игровой процесс - Вайп каждую неделю в четверг в 12:00 (Asia/Novosibirsk)

#15000 Nova-Rust [PvE] [PvP] X3

Pensez à rejoindre le serveur Discord pour le règlement et les commandes en jeu