Here's the hottest rust servers:
#15001 PlatypusGaming's 5x PvP SOLO/DUO/TRIO/QUADS All Welcome
Skin box VIP Kits Active Admins Active Discord
#15002 Rusties South Africa PVE Vanilla Twist
Welcome to Rusties South Africa Vanilla Twist. All loot and gather rates are vanilla, you got skills to rank up. Give you gather rates, fast ovens, etc. If you are a grinding person, you will love what we did with this server. 100% PVE so there will be no raiding or killing. Few plugins to help you get going, starter kit. Rotation of main events every week.
#15003 Rustonic EU - MAIN MONTHLY - No BP Wipes
Welcome To Rustonic EU MAIN MONTHLY. On Rustonic, you can expect the absolute best quality of gameplay around. With our highly active administrative team & our high quality servers, you can put your trust in us that you will have an AMAZING gameplay experience! Wipe Schedule: Map wipes every force wipe (the first Thursday of every month at 8PM CET) and will not BP wipe unless forced to do so by Facepunch. Join our Discord for support & more:
#15004 Rust Server by
Rust Server by
#15005 [US] Mandy Moose 10x | PVE/PVP | 100+ Plugins | Zombies | Skins | Shop | Kits |
Welcome to Mandy Moose 10x PVE Bi-Weekly! We are dedicated to providing our community with an engaging rust experience. This includes some quality of life plugins without compromising the core foundation of Rust. Our server is dedicated to ensure maximum performance and enhanced experience. - 10x Gather Rates - 10x Components and Scrap - Custom Loot Tables - Zombies - NPC's Spawn at Monuments - Extended Workbench Range - All Tier 1 Workbench Unlocked - Faster Recycle Times - Recyclers at Additional Locations - Faster Crafting - Rewards & Kits - Rust+ Active - No Looting or Raiding Players Protection - Raidable Bases with Loot+ - Teleportation & Trades - Mini Copter Spawn on Roads - Boats Spawn - Horses Spawn - No Clan Limit or Alliance Restrictions - Active Admins Just Have Fun!
#15006 UKRAINE RUST CLUB VANILL/MOD x2/kit/skin/shop wipe 16/11
UKRAINE RUST CLUB CLASS/MOD x2/kit/skin/shop wipe 16/11 Map Wipe - biweekly раз на 2 тижні BP Wipe monthly вайп креслень раз на місяць wipe 26/08 если не пускает на сервер пожалуйста напишите нам в дисковод
#15007 ur boys onegrid
Welcome to a Rust Dedicated Server Powered by
#15008 Cousin's RUST 2x Solo | Duo | Trio
Full wipe on first Thursday of the month. Custom 3k Map 2x Gathering | Custom Stack Sizes Faster Smelting | Shorter Nights Statistics and Leaderboard | Playtime Rewards | Shop Dynamic Events! No Admin Abuse! Discord coming soon.
#15009 Rustonic US - MAIN MONTHLY - No BP Wipes
Welcome To Rustonic US MAIN MONTHLY. On Rustonic, you can expect the absolute best quality of gameplay around. With our highly active administrative team & our high quality servers, you can put your trust in us that you will have an AMAZING gameplay experience! Wipe Schedule: Map wipes every force wipe (the first Thursday of every month at 2PM ET) and will not BP wipe unless forced to do so by Facepunch. Join our Discord for support & more:
#15010 Rustonic US - SOLO/DUO/TRIO/QUAD - WIPE 04/02 04.02
Welcome To Rustonic US SOLO/DUO/TRIO/QUAD. On Rustonic, you can expect the absolute best quality of gameplay around. With our highly active administrative team & our high quality servers, you can put your trust in us that you will have an AMAZING gameplay experience! This server has a strict 4 PLAYER TEAM LIMIT! Breaking this limit will result in a ban! Wipe Schedule: Full wipes every Saturday @ 3PM ET & map wipes every Tuesday @ 3PM ET Join our Discord for support & more: