- 2x Solo/Duo/Trio | JUST WIPED | 7/23

Server banner

Wipes: Saturday @ 1PM ET & Tuesday @ 3PM ET, Bps wipe on force wipe Purchase Kits at: Discord: Use /rules to see our rules Swapping Rules: - Remove all bags/beds for the players that is leaving - Change codes ( If you don't change codes you can potentially be banned for authorizing more than 3) - Clear TC - Player that is leaving can not return to your group for the rest of wipe - Communications may be recorded for rule enforcement, gameplay improvement, and issue resolution. By joining and playing, you consent to recording in accordance with applicable laws. Opt-out by not joining or leaving.

  • Online
  • Address:
  • Players: 3
  • Country: US
  • Modded: No
  • TYPE: modded
  • MAP: Rusticated Generated Maps
  • RANK: 1046
  • PVE: NO
  • Website: