The Basement 3X PVE/PVP-Zones 03.08

Challenging server!!! Rust+ supported Mods: Nightmare PVE with monument PVP system Gather rates x3; Some of stacks x5 loot vanilla Day length: 60min, Night length: 8min Raidable Bases, Harder NPC's In-Game Chat Commands! : /raidme -- will show raid help menu /online -- Shows how much players online /stats -- player statistics and player ratings /skin -- opens the box to change skins /bskin -- open the building block skins menu Discord: Please follow the rules below: - No Racism, Homophobia, Harassment or Excessive Toxicity - No Advertising - Any form of cheats / hacking is not allowed - Staff have final say, being toxic to staff will get you automatically removed - Any association with a gamebanned rust account or playing with a user with a old gamebanned rust account will cause you to be banned
- Offline
- Address:
- Players: 0
- Country: FR
- Modded: Yes
- TYPE: modded
- MAP: Procedural Map
- RANK: 15210
- Website: